Understanding Your Credit Report and Credit Score
Have you ever been told to close old credit card accounts to help improve your credit score? Have you ever been told that pulling your own credit report hurts your credit score? In this class, we will discuss the components of a credit score and examine some of the common myths. You will learn strategies for increasing your score and learn to avoid doing things that can negatively impact it. Learn how to get your free credit report, how to read it, and how to dispute and correct any errors that you find.
Budgeting 101
Budgeting is a way to take control of your finances and achieve financial health. During this class, we will walk you through a 5-step budgeting process, and help you create long and short-term financial goals. We'll discuss money saving techniques and review tools and technologies that can be used to make your budgeting process easier.
Identity Theft
About 10 million Americans are victimized each year by Identity Theft. Anyone is a potential victim. In this class, we will examine the different types of identity theft, what you can do to protect yourself, common mistakes that leave you open to identity theft, warning signs that you might already be a victim, and what to do if you are a victim of identity theft.
Basic Money Management
Life is busy and hectic for all of us. Unfortunately it is easy to become disorganized and forget important events. Bills pile up and sometimes we don't know if they were paid. Basic Money Management examines the fundamentals of a healthy financial life: organizing your bills, reducing your debt, saving for your future, and knowing your rights regarding debt collectors.
First Home Club
Home buying can be a very intimidating and complicated process. RethinkingDebt can help you prepare for the reality and responsibilities of home ownership. Our nationally certified credit counselors provide first time home buying workshops and counseling to teach you about the home buying process.
Foreclosure Prevention
There are many situations that create challenges to making mortgage payments. At RethinkingDebt, we understand that you might not know what to do when you fall behind on your mortgage payments. In this workshop, you will navigate options to avoid foreclosure, understanding resources available, and the foreclosure timeline.
Understanding Student Loans
In this course, we will walk you through repayment options for federally funded student loans. We will also advise you on how to handle delinquent loans and keep them from default.