Do you ever feel overwhelmed trying to understand your current financial situation? Or not really know where to begin to assess your overall financial wellbeing? The mere thought of discussing budgets, savings, and retirement goals can be stressful, and taking the first steps towards putting a plan together can feel out of reach. If you’re trying to figure out a game plan during a time of uncertainty or want to know whether you’re on track with your future financial goals, we have a tool to help you get started.
MyMoneyCheckup®, provided by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, is a one-stop shop you can use to assess your progress with various financial categories. This is free to use, and you can return to it anytime you’d like in order to make updates and see how your progress is coming along. After answering an assortment of simple questions, you can submit and review your results, receiving helpful feedback and resources on specific areas where you may need improvement. The results will provide a color-coded system so you can see which areas to target specifically while working towards your goals.
In order to use MyMoneyCheckup®, you can simply go to our home page and find the “Quick Links” box to the right. It is there for you whenever you need it, and we hope that it can be a tremendous help as you strive towards financial wellbeing now and in the future!