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CCCS of Rochester has recently launched a new division of services named BalancedCare.  Balanced Care provides managed financial services for seniors and people with disabilities.  We are offering two new programs:

  • Medicaid Assistance Program:  This service is designed for seniors and/ or people with disabilities who need access to community based services that can be only be used if the person is Medicaid eligible.  These are called Waiver Programs and are strictly funded by Medicaid.  These Programs include LTHHCP – Long Term Home Health Care Program; NHTDW – Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Waiver Program. TBI Waiver -Traumatic Brain Injury; OPWDD – Office of Persons with Developmental Disabilities; and OMH – Office of Mental Health. 

Medicaid has strict income and resource guidelines and many people don’t believe that they will qualify.  However, by using a pooled supplemental needs trust to shelter excess income, many people are able to qualify for Medicaid and receive these services.  If you need assistance with home care or if you are providing care for a loved one and feeling overwhelmed with caregiving responsibilities, this may be the answer you have been looking for.


  • Representative Payee ServicesCCCS of Rochester has been approved by the Social Security Administration to act as Rep Payee for individuals over the age of 18 who receive Social Security benefits (SSI, SSD or retirement) and because of a disabling condition are unable to handle their own funds and need someone to guide them in using their benefits to meet their basic needs.  CCCS of Rochester receives the SS benefit directly and pays bills on the person’s behalf.  We work with the person to develop a budget and insure that they receive a personal needs allowance to be spent as they see fit. 


For information on access to Waiver Programs, Medicaid applications, pooled supplemental needs trusts, or representative payee services


Doris Green

Director of Managed Financial Services


dgreen@cccsroch .org